Modern Slavery Statement 2022


Fit CBD is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business and supply chains. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines the steps we have taken during the financial year ending December 31, 2022, to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring within our organization or our supply chains.

Our Business

Fit CBD operates as a leading source of information on CBD and vaping, providing valuable content to our readers. Our operations are based in the UK, and we work with various suppliers and partners to maintain and develop our online presence.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Risk Assessment and Due Diligence

In 2022, we conducted a comprehensive risk assessment of our supply chains to identify any areas where there may be a higher risk of modern slavery. This assessment involved:

Evaluating the nature of our supply chains and the geographical locations of our suppliers

Reviewing the policies and practices of our key suppliers

Engaging with suppliers to understand their approach to preventing modern slavery

Supplier Code of Conduct

We have developed a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations regarding labor practices, human rights, and ethical behavior. All new and existing suppliers are required to adhere to this code, which includes provisions on:

Prohibiting the use of forced, bonded, or involuntary labor

Ensuring that workers have the right to freedom of movement and are not subject to threats or coercion

Providing fair wages and safe working conditions

Respecting the rights of workers to associate freely and bargain collectively

Training and Awareness

We recognize the importance of raising awareness about modern slavery among our staff and suppliers. In 2022, we provided training sessions for our employees to help them identify and report any signs of modern slavery. We also communicated our commitment to preventing modern slavery to our suppliers and partners.

Reporting and Accountability

Fit CBD has established a clear process for reporting any concerns related to modern slavery. Employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report any suspicious activity or violations of our Supplier Code of Conduct. Reports can be made confidentially to [email protected], and all reports will be thoroughly investigated.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery. In 2023, we plan to:

Conduct regular audits of our supply chains to ensure compliance with our policies

Enhance our training programs to further educate our employees and suppliers

Strengthen our partnerships with organizations dedicated to preventing modern slavery


Fit CBD is fully committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. We will continue to take proactive steps to ensure that our operations remain free from modern slavery and uphold the highest ethical standards. For any inquiries or further information, please contact us at [email protected].